Aniya Boyfriend, House, Mansion, Cars, America, All About, What Happen to , Country of Origin

Aniya Boyfriend, House, Mansion, Cars, America, All About, What Happen to , Country of Origin

in the areas of prosperity and healing. It was definitely a shock to my belief system when I finally understood there is no ordained path of success for each of us. And you know what I’m talking about. It’s that path we’ve all been searching for, knowing when we find it everything will go well in our lives forever and ever. Now I realized I’ve been given the power to determine my own path and its degree of success. All I had to do was change my thinking about it. I also came to understand the Goddess and other Deities are not in charge of my life. Instead, they are my life partners. I have a job to do, and so do they. There are certain areas of my life I have the power to control and change, and there are other areas where I need my divine partners. Protection is one of those areas. Yet all areas of spellcasting are much more effective when I use this spiritual law to change my thinking. How simple, yet powerful! Try this for yourself. Whether you are casting a prosperity spell or a healing spell, it will only be as effective as your thoughts on these subjects. I’m not talking about affirmations repeated endlessly. I’m talking about truly believing your thoughts have the power to come to pass and change your life. Because they do. And they have been doing this all your life. Okay, now things have changed. Now you know about this spiritual law and how to use it. So change your thinking to agree with what you desire. It’s that simple. When this revelation finally sinks in, you’ll realize you have nothing to fear in the areas of prosperity and healing but your own fearful thoughts on these subjects. What power! Suddenly, the data coming from quantum physics makes perfect sense, and it’s easy to believe these scientists when they tell us words can change physical matter at a quantum level. The mystics of various religions have been saying this for ages, but they never seemed to state it clearly or simply. Let today become a landmark in your spellcasting. First, look at every financial and healing challenge in your life, and then cast a spell to change it. Next, align your thinking to agree with the desired result of the spell. It doesn’t matter if the situation looks hopeless. Chances are that hopeless situation was nurtured by your fearful thinking. Or maybe, like me, you were also waiting for your Deity to change the situation. But today you know better. Today you know you hold all the power for manifestation. Depending upon how determined you are to change your
Aniya Boyfriend, House, Mansion, Cars, America, All About, What Happen to , Country of Origin

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