SHOCKER: Dog Eats Paralysed Owner's Balls While He Was Sleeping.

SHOCKER: Dog Eats Paralysed Owner's Balls While He Was Sleeping.

It is tragic when a man's best friend takes away one of his other friend. This is a story dog owners should learn from. A 39-years-old paralyzed man from Arkansas who has no feeling from his waist down has been taken to the hospital after he woke up to find one of his testicles being munched by his new dog. 

The man had slept nude, only for him to wake up and find his dog chewing on something. He noticed the dog's front paws and muzzle were covered in blood, wondering why, he then looked down on himself and realised the dog was eating one of his testicles - balls.

The man then called paramedics, who rushed to his home and immediately took him to a nearby hospital where he is receiving treatments. 

The dog was a stray that he had taken in just three weeks earlier but the cops took the dog to a local vet where it was put down and it's head was sent to the Arkansas Department of Health to be tested for rabies. 

SHOCKER: Dog Eats Paralysed Owner's Balls While He Was Sleeping.

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