SHOCKER! 21-Years-Old Woman Hired Hitman To Kill Her Husband (Video 1)

SHOCKER! 21-Years-Old Woman Hired Hitman To Kill Her Husband (Video 1)

Like seriously, some people are Devil's incarnate for real! This is one of those things we only watch on televisions.

A 21-years-old Julia Charlene Merfeld, hired a fake hitman who is actually a Michigan State Police detective, to kill her husband, Jacob Merfeld, so she could get his $400,000 life insurance benefit. 

Her plans came to limelight after she approached her co-worker, Carlos Ramos, and asked him to kill her husband. According to Carlos, at first, he thought she was joking, but when she kept coming back for it, he realized she was serious about her plans, but he didn't want to go back to prison because he is an ex-convict, so he tipped the police about Julia's plan and an undercover police played the part of a hitman and Julia was eventually nabbed. 
May God save men from women like this.
Click HERE to watch the part 1 of how she planned out her husband's death and watch the part 2 after the cut:
SHOCKER! 21-Years-Old Woman Hired Hitman To Kill Her Husband (Video 1)

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