Nollywood actress, Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha, who recently lost her mother writes a touching tribute to her. The late Egoyibo Chukwuka passed away on May 22, 2013 and was laid to rest on July 24/25 in Umezechem Nkalafia in Irefi Oraifite, Ekwusigo LGA of Anambra State. Read the tribute letter Chioma wrote to her mother after the cut:
Nnem! My dearest mother! My love! I cannot put to words what you were to me. All I asked for in a mother you were that and much more. You were my rock and reality check. The one in whom I looked up to and drew strength and courage. Chai!Ebee kam ga ejido? Onwu emem ife ooooooo! Nne anadizi I up onwu jiri napum ofu Npkuru Anya nji afu Uzo? Nne bu nne! Who will pray tirelessly and stand in the gap for us nma? You have left a vacuum no human can fill. Nma I watched you toil this earth like a man. I watched you fight like a lion. I watched you stand tall like an iroko whenever you were faced
with life challenges! Mummy, everything I am today is because I had a mother like you. You were always there for us and never for once did you tire out. You were so full of strength. I celebrate you today because you raised champions ugomba! You raised nations nnme! You were a one man squad dimkpa asana! You were very tough yet very gentle and extremely compassionate. You had a great sense of humor and the best cook of all time you were. Nma I know you are resting in our lord's blossom. I take solace in that fact. Thank you for trusting me enough to take your last breath in my arms. With tears in my eyes and joy in my heart I bid you farewell my mother. I love you, always forever. Naa n'udo nnme Oma!
Your legacy lives on!
Chioma Akpotha.
May her soul continue to rest in peace!
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